Column Inches

A column-inch is a measure of space one column wide and one inch tall. Columns in the ICO are 9.5 picas wide, with one pica between columns

Ad Sizes in Inches and Decimal Equivalents

1 column (9.5 picas) 1 9.16 inches (1.58")
2 columns (20 picas) 3 5/16 inches (3.33")
3 columns (30.5 picas) 5 1/16 inches (5.08")
4 columns (41 picas) 6 13/16 inches (6.83")
5 columns (51.5 picas) 8 9/16 inches (8.58")
6 columns (62 picas) 10 5/16 inches (10.33)

Photo & Production Charges

Space rates include normal composition for advertising, however elaborate design, or copy changes after first submission requiring additional time will be charged at $25.00 per hour. Photo services available at $50.00 per photograph.

Mechanical Informmation

PDF files are preferred. Printed offset, camera-ready proofs or slicks are also acceptable for reproduction. Column width 9.5 picas (approx. 1.58"), 1 pica between columns. Page width approximately 10.33", page depth 15". Line screens : 85 to 130 dots per inch.

Closing Times & Proofs

All display advertising copy must be submitted before 3:00 p.m., Monday before publication (or the previous Friday on the occasion of a federal holiday). Special advance deadlines may apply to holiday weekend issues or special sections. Photo orders should be placed at least one week in advance of display ad deadline. Ads may be proofed by prior arrangement. Fax available: (707) 884-1710. Email Display Ads